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How to Practice Restating the Question
Restating the question is an important skill that students should learn. It involves rephrasing the question in one's own words to fully understand what is being asked and answer it using complete sentences. This is particularly important for constructed response tasks as it acts as test prep for state testing.
In this blog post, we will discuss effective strategies for explicitly teaching students how to practice restating the question. We will cover some steps, such as removing question words, reordering remaining words to form complete sentences, and avoiding pronouns, among others. We will also suggest using a sentence stem and color-coding words from the question to make it easier for students to understand and answer.
Teaching students how to restate the question explicitly can make it easier for them to understand and answer the questions, thus improving their writing skills.
Teaching Students the RACE Writing Strategy
Teaching students the RACE writing strategy can greatly improve their writing skills. RACE stands for Restate, Answer, Cite, Explain and can be used for short-answer or paragraph responses. Teachers can use the I Do, We Do, You Do method to directly teach this skill and provide examples of what a RACE response looks like.
To use the RACE strategy effectively, teachers should create constructed response questions that refer to a text and require students to cite evidence. Anchor charts with brief descriptions of each step and sentence starters can help students organize the skill in their minds. Students should practice the RACE response strategy with a variety of reading materials and understand key vocabulary such as constructed response question, evidence, and quote.