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Post Reading Activities for Deeper Understanding
Post-reading activities encourage students to gain a deeper understanding through graphic organizers, news report, exit slips, class discussion, role play, and student responses to questions crafted to encourage students to dig deeper. These after-reading activities get students to analyze the different concepts in a story, including character analysis and main idea exploration of the reading.

Important Pre-Reading Strategies to Engage and Prepare Students
A pre-reading strategy is a great way to activate prior knowledge and prepare students for reading. Pre-reading strategies build background knowledge and encourage students like English language learners and struggling readers to comprehend a particular text.
Before students begin reading, they can activate prior knowledge, set a purpose, review key elements, see the big picture, practice note-taking, and get a general understanding of the text by using a graphic organizer or other pre-reading resource.
Scaffold Writing Instruction to Help Students Become Confident Writers
It’s so important to scaffold writing during the writing process so that writing tasks are more accessible to students.
Writing success comes from these scaffolding strategies, such as using mentor sentences, mentor texts, and graphic organizers.
When teachers support students with scaffolds such as a graphic organizer or a sentence frame, they become confident writers who see writing success!