Gagné’s 9 Events
for Lesson Plans
Have you ever completed an online training where you ignored the content and kept waiting for the “next” button to appear so you could get through it?
Simply clicking buttons to progress through the course (behavioral engagement) does not mean you are learning (psychological engagement).
However, this training uses interactive engagement strategies like drag and drop, choose one, and click-to-reveal to ensure that the user is learning (psychological engagement) while demonstrating their engagement by completing the interactions (behavioral engagement).
The balance between these two types of engagement is a key component in this training - and an important aspect of instructional design!
In particular, mini-knowledge checks replace the “next” buttons to encourage the immediate application of new information. The learner must process the content on each slide to be able to respond to these quick either/or questions.
Each knowledge check include explanatory feedback, so the learner understands why their answers are correct or incorrect.
Additionally, a Vyond animation video at the beginning of the lesson introduces the topic, states the learning objectives, and stimulates recall.
This training aims to teach elementary teachers how to apply Gagné’s 9 Events to new and existing lesson plans to create effective lessons that will engage, orient, instruct, and evaluate the learners. It highlights the benefits of each event, helping teachers understand the value of incorporating them in their lesson plans.
Elementary Teachers
Needs analysis
Content development
Script writing
Storyboard writing
Multimedia development and editing (Vector images, Vyond animation)
eLearning development
Visual design
Tools Used:
Articulate Storyline 360
Inkscape (Adobe Illustrator alternative)
Problem & Solution
Most elementary teachers are not aware of Gagné’s 9 Events. Others do not see the value in these events.
Consequently, many teachers skip certain events because they don’t know they exist or to save time and stay on-track for the year.
Teachers jump right into the lesson before students are engaged.
Teachers skip learning objectives and students do not know what they are supposed to be learning.
Students miss key prerequisite information.
Students are bored or overstimulated.
Students are nervous for tests because they never had the opportunity to practice the skill.
Students continue to do things incorrectly because they are not given feedback in a timely manner.
Students receive lower grades because they are assessed on items that were not a part of the lesson.
Students feel overwhelmed because they move on to the next lesson too quickly.
This project aims to educate teachers on Gagné’s 9 Events, teach them the benefits of each event, and give them tools that they can implement into their lessons.
As a consequence, teachers should:
Engage students at the beginning of a lesson
Direct the learners by naming the learning objectives
Review relevant prior knowledge before teaching new content
Present content in manageable chunks
Guide learning by providing opportunities to practice with support, following a gradual release of responsibility
Have students practice learning while providing timely explanatory feedback
Evaluate students’ learning through assessment strategies that are aligned to the learning objectives
Enhance retention by reviewing the key information or summarizing the content before moving on
Supporting Documents
Click on the images below to view the supporting documents.
Analysis Summary
Learner Analysis
Learning Objectives
Check out Another Project
Planned Ignoring Adventure
This story-based eLearning experience was designed for Teaching Heart & Soul to help teachers learn when and how to utilize planned ignoring.
Custom programming was used to create a typing effect.
All characters were designed and created specifically for this project to show a diverse population.
Tools: Storyline 360, MindMeister, PowerPoint, Pixton

Contact Me
I specialize in eLearning development, where I create engaging courses that are designed to change the behavior of the learner to meet the needs of the organization.
Reach out if you need a high-quality innovative learning solution.